Showing posts from 2011
Friday, 12/23/2011
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Today, we baked around 4 dozen cookies. We did different kinds, Sugar, Ginger, and M&Ms. I helped with those kinds (with Mom), and right now, Maggie is helping Mom with her Gluten Free cookies. I have all my presents wrapped, for my Aunt, Step Uncle, Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandma, and Grandpa. Merry Christmas!
The Weekend Before Christmas
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Our family has been crazy preparing for Christmas. Here's an overview: Mom has been looking for presents for our cousins, "Julia" and "Justin" online. Dad has been doing do this 3D Puzzle Ball, all day and like crazy. Then Maggie, making Perler bead stuff for our family as gifts. Last, Toga, snoring away in his bed waiting for Christmas, to open all his gifts.
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Happy Thanksgiving!! Its Saturday Morning, no school. Its like a Do-Nothing Day again. I wish it snowed again, so I could plow and shovel the snow. I did the whole entire driveway, and Maggie helped me with the sidewalk a little bit. I made like $10. Yesterday (Friday), we went to get the Christmas Tree out of the attic and put it up. We put it in our living room this year, and in 2009 we put it in the Parlor. F.Y.I. We weren't here for 2010 Christmas. I was the first one to put on an ornament. As a little joke before we put on the ornaments, I put train tracks around the Christmas tree, and then turned on the battery-powered train I got when I was visiting Istanbul. Mom even got Maggie and I Christmas trees to put in our room. Yesterday, Dad and I woke up at 4:00am to go Black Friday shopping, and let me tell you it was not crowded at ALL. We went to Walmart, it just was like a normal day when we went there. Dad dosen't really like Walmart because they never put price tags on ...
Dresden Christmas Market Live Webcam Free
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On Thanksgiving, the Dresden Christmas Market will open. It has Christmas gifts and stuff. The market is fabulous. We went there pretty much every day the market was open. To view a live webcam of Altmarkt and the Christmas Market, View the Free Webcam at This webcam does not update every 5 seconds, every 0 seconds is does. It is also HD. Above is a preview of the view you can see when you view the webcam.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thanksgiving! List what you're Thankful for in the comment box. Can't believe its already snowing and Thanksgiving isn't really here yet. On Tuesday I'm going to see my Grandma after school since my Mom is a teacher and has conferences that day, so we are going to go shopping for Thanksgiving.
R.I.P., Goldie
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Today, Maggie's fish passed away. It was right after dinner, when Maggie went upstairs to read, and then we heard crying. "Is she crying?" said Mom. Maggie came downstairs looking sad. Mom said, "What wrong?" Then Maggie said, "My fish died" Even I was a little sad. Maggie had just got that fish in August, on her birthday, and it was even acting weird this and last week. I went upstairs to check it out after Mom went with Maggie, and it was floating like a boat with 1,000 life vests in it.
Wednesday in the Afternoon
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We are at the Malta Community Center, picking up Maggie from her Hip-Hop dance class. Me and Mom just got done finishing Grocrey Choppinng at Price Chopper. We are having Clam Chouder Coup for dinner tonight. No everyone is getting "dismissed" from there class, so it is chaos. Anyway, I wish tomorrow was Friday, more then Thursday. And on Wednesday I usaully have Student Council, but today I didn't because Ms. Turcerri and Ms. Konsinki are at at teacher workshop, they are the Student Council teachers, or at least run the metting.
Halloween is Here!
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Today, we carved a pumpkin, which you can see a picture of on the side. I wanted the pumpkin to look scary, usually like regular carved pumpkins. Will Maggie put a party hat on it, and eye lashes. ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Maggie can't find a part of her Halloween costume. My response when she yelled down the stairs: " JUST KEEP LOOKING FOR IT" I said. " Can you help me look for it" says Maggie. "Absolutely not" I say. Will I'm not doing Halloween this year. But maybe next year I will. Today, I'm just giving out the candy with Mom while Dad and Maggie go and say, "Trick-or-Treat, Smell my feet, give me something good to eat".
Today (10/20/2011)
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Today is a Thursday. I MISS DRESDEN AND TRAMS! We are going to New York City, and staying at a hotel in New York City. Its is Times Square, and your probaly thinking that that cost us a fortune, will it was $314 a night, from The hotel is on 42nd Street, and the nearest Subway stop is 43rd Street. I think it will be a nice time!
Scotties Game and Parade
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Today, we went in a parade (from South Street School to to the Ballston Spa High School). I was in it because I am in the Malta Ave Student Council. We didn't saty for the game. Two things: 1. Its raining and thundering 2. Its Friday night and we aren't really a football fan Hope you are enjoying the rain!
Going to NY City
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I think we will be going to New York city. I am excited to ride transportation! Get the <a href="">MTA-Service-Status</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)
Camping So Far (Sunday)
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We are camping now. With our friends, "The LaGoys". We have been swimming in the lake (In Mid-October!), and the water is like 30 degrees. We went swimming here, (in the Picture below) and it was super cold. They had a rope swing, but neither of us wanted to go on. Finally, another guy finally tried it out, and you had to fall 5 feet between the water and the rope, to it was pretty scary. I like this vacation! Yesterday, we hiked 5 miles (1 mile was UP hill.). We came home and had a nice dinner along the lake. The next morning we did the same thing, have breakfast on the lake. Bacon, Pancakes, and Sausage Patty's. Then we went in a canoe ride. We fished for fish, had a little tugs, but were to late and didn't catch anything. We went in another part of the lake which was 30 degrees, like an ice cube. And who know's what fun we will have tomorrow...
Camping Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Night With the LaGoy's!!
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Today, we are going to camp in the Adirondacks with our best friends, "The LaGoys"! Well we are not really camping, but are in a cabin. I think we are even going fishing! I am really excited. And on Monday, we have no school because its, "Columbus Day". So thats why we are camping on a Sunday night. The last time we went camping with the LaGoy's, we were suppose to camp 2 nights, but the first night, it was pooring rain. This was during the summer. But this time, we get to camp 3 nights in a row! Me and My Best Friend Cade at Soccer (BARC)
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Today, we are going to Skype with Mark, one of my best friends that I met while we were living in Germany. He is a very good friend. I am sick today. I think I have strep thorat. I've got it 6 times in the past year! We are going to go to the doctors. Our bathroom upstairs where the bedrooms are got cloged. We have no idea what it was. But Dad has been working on it for the past hour. The bathroom is a mess to. Maggie is having Piano lessons now. She also had Religion School (Sunday School). And I don't get it, but we go to Sunday School, on Saturday. Weird, right?
The Weekend (Part 1: Saturday)
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You now how when its Saturday, your whole family just stays home on Saturday? Will my family, is one of those families. Mom hasn't got out of her pajamas, and its already 10:30. Dad is the most woken up, and now waking us up. He started mowing the lawn at 8:30, but he didn't just wake us up, he woke the neighbors up to. And then our neighbor started waking her car rugs at 9:30 with a long wood stick. I closed all the window because I couldn't have just a peaceful morning! The Frustrated The Annoying
Camping Trip 2011
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On 7/30/11 and 7/31/11 we went camping at the Morea State Lake/Park. We went with our friends family, the LaGoys, our good friends. We were suppose to stay overnight 2 nights, but it rained on the first one. So we skipped that one and didn't stay an extra night. First, we had to check-in. Me and Dad went to the register, while Maggie stayed in the car. Mom had a headache, so she stayed home and said she would join us in 2-3 hours. The LaGoy's were already there when we arrived at our campsite, "#74". We had a fire pit, also. Mom arrived in 2 hours along with Toga, and then we had lunch. There was 2 pink hot dogs and a bunch of the regalar kind. I had one regaular kind and me and Dad split one pink one. Scott, The LaGoy's father of the family, brought his hot dog holders, just like there have reusable pizza plates. After Lunch, we went down to the the beach. Julie, the LaGoy's Mom of the family, and Mom, stayed at the Camp Site, because they just don't real...
Coming Home
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It is sad to leave Germany. When I hit the ground on the airplane at Albany International I felt like there was nothing special in USA after experiencing a year in Europe. We drove back to our house for about 30 min because we were just dropping of our luggage. When I walked in the house I just felt so sad because my body was reminding me that I wasn't in Germany or any other destination in Europe. When I was in Germany, I was planning that when I entered the house for the first time that I would run to my room, but I didn't realize how sad it would be. I looked out the window and saw that there weren't any trams driving by, then plain old cars. It was really sad...
Arrived in USA
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On July 2nd, 2011, we arrived in Albany, NY. It was so great to family again after a year. Toga survived everything. He's very confused. First, in our apartment in Germany, then our RV trip, a hotel, another hotel, and then home. I don't think he remembers our NY house. I really miss Germany. I miss the trams! Hi Line 1, Line 2 Lin.............
Going Back to USA: Stuck in Frankfurt
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Today, we took an airplane to Frankfurt from Dresden. We missed our flight by a few minutes. So we are staying in a hotel and then leave Frankfurt tomorrow (July 2nd), and then have a 3 hour and 5 minute layover in Philadelphia , then take an airplane to Albany, then arrive there at 8:31pm USA time. Can't wait to see my family again!
Leaving the Apartment
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Today, we are leaving "Tolkewitzer Strasse 39", and the tram stop, "Heinrich Shutz Strasse", with the tram lines 6, and 12. The movers are coming in less then an hour. This time, we don't have to pack or count everything like when we were on our way here. This time, they will just take things off the shelfs.
Vacation in Amsterdam (RV Trip)
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Our last vacation is taking a RV down to Holland and Belgium . It is sad. We are eating dinner in the camper station restaurant. The camp stop is called "Camping Zeeberg Amsterdam". Its very nice. It has camper charging station, and free internet, but the worst is the bathrooms. They have bugs on the lights, and it looks like they clean it once every year. The cleaners must be VERY lazy. The trams in Amsterdam are nice, very blue, and instead of ticket machines, they have ticket PEOPLE! It was funny! The RV is nice, but not the best. It has some scratches some places. The bathroom stinks, and your not thinking about that, will you know what I mean. Its all the plastic, and when we are driving, you hear everything crash and fall. And then when you stop the RV, and you go in the bathroom, all of the stuff has been fallen on the floor because of Dad always breaking. Me and Maggie split a bed, but I think Mom and Dad's bed is comfortable. I lay in there when we're drivi...
Amsterdam Camping Zeeburg - Welcome to Camping Zeeburg
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Almost Breaking Arm
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I almost broke my arm on the last day of school, but I didn't. We ended up going to the hospital, and I got a huge bandage. So here's the story: I was playing tag on the playground, (up on it), and the tagger (Dieter) was going to get me, so I jumped from the 3 story of the playground to the ground. I landed on my elbow first, then my forehead second, and my right hand side waist third. I landed on a bunch of rocks, also.
Last Day of School
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Last Day of School, it was so sad to say goodbye. I will miss a lot of my friends, and hope to stay in touch. This has been a great school year to be living in Dresden! Karl and Fabian Me, Karl, and Fabian Toga at Shillergarten Karl, Fabian, Shan, and Me Us drinking The tag guys (We play every recess!) Ella and Maggie Toga
In Rothenburg, Sorthern Part of Germany
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Today, we saw the Neuwalstein Castle. It was super cool. We hiked 2-way, up and down (Much easier going down). We borught Toga even. Anyway, Toga lost his favorite stuffed animal in the previous city we went in, yesterday. We leave tomorrow (SUnday), and I leave on a 3 day field trip with my class on Monday, to a near by place from where I am right now. I have to go, so sorry! Hope you enjoyed this post!
Lily and the Pet Tram
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Hello, Everyone! A thing that happen yesterday was the Mover Guys were coming to check up on things so we could know what kinds of the things we could bring. Lily, that white dog, visited us, because he owners traveled to Poland! Lets give them a big round of a applause! When we watched Lily, (I keep spelling her name Lili, then having to erase the i to a y. I had a friend named "Lili" in USA and spelled it that way) we made video about her on the "Pet Tram". To watch, please click here . Thank You! Have a nice day!
Spring Festival
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Our school this year, is putting on a "Spring Festival" on the 21st of May. Its on Saturday, you don't have to do it, but you should if you don't have any plans. They will be selling drinks, food, etc. for a little fundraiser to the school. Its like a celabration to clean up after winter in the school outside. They will even show some dances on the topic.
April 30th, 2011
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It is morning right now, but for people in the states, it is 2:09, 8:09am for us. Maggie is already up, she's sitting in the black comfy chair in front of the TV (But the TV isn't on!). Lily is up, tapping her paws all over the floor. And Mom and Toga are still sleeping. : ) Any way, Lily is a dog that we are watching/taking care of her, because her family is on vacation now. Toga and her act like one another is not even there! Lily is playful, she'll run when you go on walks with her, but with Toga, he always is at the same speed, "walking"...
April 29th, 2011
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Today, we saw William and Kate's wedding on TV. Maggie was in to it most. Mom told us Prince William was the serious one, and his brother, "Harry" was the silly one. We also went to the Grosser Garten Park (Big Garten Park) and had lunch there. We had Brotwursts. Mom even found Gluten Free bread that was so good to her opinion. We brought the two dogs, also. Tomorrow is Toga's Birthday. He is going to be 11 years old. We brought him to the vet yesterday and they said he looked like he was two years old (We brought Toga to the vet only because he needed a rabies shot for when we go back to U.S.A.).
Tram Dresden - Pennrich-Amalie-Dietrich-Platz (02.10.2010)
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Our New "Unit" in School
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We have been working on the unit, "Media", but we just changed to a new unit, "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle". We have been starting on working on a new recycling program in school. DIS (Dresden International School), has all trash cans in the school. They have a recycling bin outside, but none inside that would transfer to the one outside. We are in the progress of making bins and putting them in each classroom. I wrote the letter to the directer of the school so she would accept our ideas in the school. I did along with a few other kids as well.
Update in Germany on March 25th, 2011
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I am waiting for breakfast to be done, on this morning, which is a Friday morning, here in Germany. After school, Maggie will be going on a sleepover with her best friend a grade above of her, "Mali". That's the German name, but the English/American name is "Molly". The sleepover is lasting just for one night. It will "Maggie-Free", in the house tonight, (That's how I like to call it!) so Mom and Me are going to this old Dresden tram restaurant. We going to try to get there early, so we can sit in the old "6 Nidersedlitz" tram! Dad is still in US, in NY doing stuff. For example he is doing more interview stuff, getting stuff in NY/USA that you can't but in Germany/Dresden.
How Do I Follow Riley's Adventures?
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Hi Everyone! I just want to quickly show you a glance on how to follow Riley's Adventures: 1. Go to you browser and type in "". 2. Scroll down and look on the LEFT side. You should see 6 followers already there, and above them will say "Followers": 3. You can see the big FOLLOW button, click it. You can follow with Google, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM, Netlog, and OpenID.: Riley's Adventure's Needs Followers!!!
Update for 3/8/2011
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It's morning, again right now in, Germany. Deustchland which is Germany in German. I'm just thinking about how close we are to moving back to US, and some planning I want to do: I am going to be making a tram collage of Dresden's Transportation, including Dresden Buses, Dresden Trains, Dresden Trams, Dresden Sky Train, and Dresden's On Ground Train. We will also include some of the tram stop signs, the S-Bahn Stations, The Time-Teller things, The Ticket Machines, The Ticket Validaters, The Tram Stop Light, etc. We have to pack all over again, like we did going from US to Deushland (Germany in German). We have to pack all of our things up, Thanks to Aunt Mari and Grandma, who helped us in US. It well be a much more Challenging level, because no one well be with us, to help us, etc. Another thing we might have to do is pack for what we well do on the airplane, its fun when your on a 2 to 4 hour airplane, but our ride from Frankfurt, Germany (I think its thant city), wel...
Update for 3/7/2011
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Today, (Well, its just morning in Germany right now) I got up, so sleepy, because, well, its just when the weekends are over. Mom just got done signing a sheet, because I'm going on a trip to the Wasserwerk. Wasserwerk in English is Water Cleaning House. We are taking a tram there. I think it is the #4 Laubgast. Sorry, this was a quick post! I have to go to school now!
In Paris, France
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We are in Paris, France right now. From Dresden, we took a 2-hour bus all the way to the capital of Germany, 'Berlin'. From Berlin, we flew to Paris, France. It was about a 2 and a half hour ride. We arrived into Paris, France. Got our luggage. We left on the subway, but one thing that very weird. We never went into customs/passport check. We just got on the RER #C to 'Gare Du Nord', and took the M#5 Metro (Subway in French) going toward Place d' Italian, and got off at Oberrkamf, our hotel's metro stop. We checked-in at our hotel, and then had Pizza for Dinner. We went to bed, after finding ants under our bed and in the bathroom. It stinked because Mom just got done spraying Bug Spray around the hotelroom, which she had rented from the hotel's front desk. Paris was a very interesting city, my 2 favorite things I liked it Paris, Well you probaly know the first one, which was the Metros and Buses. #2 Favorite Thing: The Eiffel Tower! We went to the top! It...
Getting to Vienna, Austria
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Today, we traveled to Vienna. We were on the train for 6 hours, and had our own little space. We went though Prague, Germany, and Austria. It was sort of fun. The train had outlets on it going up to 230 Volts. I went on my laptop, but they were no Internet Connections. There were some on the train, but they had passwords. I wrote in my journal. When I got onto a Vienna regular tram going to our hotel, which was line 62, were like Dresden old trams. We got off at Pauler Strasse, then were standing there, looking at the map, then 10 minutes later, Mom saw a sign leading to the street to the hotel. We were lucky! We went out to Starbucks, are had Hot Chocolate. I had a Cookie, Maggie had a Blueberry Muffin. I wanted Mom to get a snack besides hot chocolate, but she refused. We went sight seeing on a Tram, the good kind of tram, and Mom saw some Ice Skating Place, and she said we were going to go there tomorrow! I fall down when I Ic...
Update in Germany on February 20th, 2011
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We started packing today, because we going to Vienna, Austria. Vienna is the capital of Austria, and they have very neat things there. I used Mom's Backpack to pack most of my things I wanted to bring. Mom put very few of some Travel books on Vienna in there also. Maggie used her school bag to pack all of her things in. I didn't use my school bag because it is very small. I had good luck today because I found a 1 Euro coin laying on the stair case. I found it when I was taking Toga outside, in the morning. I also found a 50 Cent Coin when I was cleaning our room today. A few days ago, when we taking a walk, and I found a little trail of money!! I found 6 Cents in total at the end. I keep finding money on the ground!! Our next vacation after Vienna, Austria, is Paris, France. We will have to see the Eiffel Tower, and I am glad Mom just printed tickets today!! I like that we keep going places, and learn at least 1 word from that country's language. Like 'Bonjour' is ...
Fasching Party - News
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On February 17th 2011, PYP in Dresden International School had an early Fasching Party. For all classes, it started at 1:20pm to 3:20pm. Each person/teacher/student received 1 free snack, and most were wearing costumes. Some of the games they did were Musical Chairs, Musical Statues, and an Egg Race. The Student Coucil PYP planned this fun, and exciting event. Another one of the fun things were a Raffle. Students who won in 3B were Mark, Ashley, Corban, etc. Each raffle ticket was 1 Euro. They drew about 45 tickets. Everyone was wearing cool, scary, funny costumes on. Students could not wear their costumes to school. They had to change 10 minutes before this party. Here is a little interview with some of the students from DIS: Fransziska said before the party that she thinks everyone will enjoy the party. She was a princess. Ashley said she thought that she would like it. She was dressed up as a princess, also. Ms. Anne said she thought she would like it. She think...
Update for February 16th, 2011
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Will, we started a class blog, which I am very happy about. Also, we are going to get doners without Maggie tonight. She is with her friend Moli, right now. Mom is being lazy, sleeping. Toga, our dog, always does the samething as my mom, so he sleeping and snoring to. Dad is driving home from work. Our next vacations we are going to are Vien, (Vien is the German Way of saying Vianna, Austria) and Paris, France. I can't wait to go all the way to the top of the Eiffel tower, which will be great. If you're wondering about my school, then click here . Also, this is a daily schdule of what my class does at school: 1.We get our blue bag, snack box, and water bottle. We put our coats in our locker, and also our backpacks, or like some people like to call them book bags. 2.We come in and look on the white board, we usally do Buddy Spelling, is where another friends in the class test us with the spelling words that the level we are at Spelling. Sometimes, we do Mug Shot sentences after ...
Update in Germany for 2/6/2011
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So Today, I woke up. In then I just started writing on this blog. I think we might be going to Mei ßen-a good city North West of Dresden. I changed the design of my blog, don't you like it? Comment! I like it with all of the stars and green background, the red dates, also. Today is a weekend, so we're just hangin' out. Yesterday, me and mom went out to go by ourselves, some alone time. We took the Standseilbahn up the hill, walked to the #11 tram. On the way to the #11 tram, I was walking with mom and the dog on the other side of the gate, jumped to us and started barking. Mom could have had the loudest scream in world. I could see 2 people look out there window staring at us. We got on the 11 tram to Hauptbahnhof(Main Train Station), and went to an Travel Agency(reiseburo in german), and booked our 3 day trip to Vien, Vianna, Austria in english. Travel Agencys in America are so expensive, and every one books them online. Here we got a train ticket for 52 Eur...
How Much Money Germany has raised for Hannah...(update)
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How Much Money Germany Has Raised for Hannah...
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Germany has raised lots of money for Hannah. Our Goal is 350 Euro (455 USD). Look Below for the thermometer of how much money we have raised. This will be updated everytime bottles are returned(every 2-4 days). Just my class and another 2nd grade class(Ms. Bri's class) has raised just 75% of whats filled on that thermometer. My class for "Pennies for Peace" has already raised 200 Euro, my class is very kind, and genorous.
Update for 1/16/2011 in Germany
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Today(1/16/2011), we went for s long bike ride. We rode all the way to Laubgast, to the nearest gas station and put air in Dad's tires. We also blew all of the dust off of our bikes, because they have been just sitting in our storage room in the basement for months now. After the gas station, we went down a side street and looked at the horrible flood. I was halfway down the side street and it was touching my feet! It was crazy! I think I read somewhere this was the worst flood Dresden ever had! After that we just rode all the way back home. Dad went jogging and Mom took Toga for a walk. Me and Maggs were just in our room, doing our normal weekend stuff...
Hannah - Our Well Known Friend
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Hannah, I'm sure you all know that she lives in Ballston Spa, and is seven years old. Late in November, she found out she had leukemia (a type of cancer). She is going to get a bone marrow transplant in February, 2011. If you live and Germany, and you children go to DIS(Dresden International School), you can bring you big bags full of plastic recyclable bottles, to get some room in your kitchen. If you live in NY, USA, you can go to a special fundraiser for Hannah on January 29th, 2011 to Peabody's Sports and Grille/Bailey's Cafe from 1:00pm to 10:00pm. There will be a $10.00 admission fee, which will be given to Hannah and her family, in need. Here is the events invitation: Hannah's Special Fundraiser in United States: When: January 29th, 2011 from 1:00pm to 10:00pm What: This will be a nice fundraiser, including Beer Tasting, Kid's room, and a lot more! Why: To help Hannah, who is in need right now! ...
Happy New Year!
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In Germany, on December 31st, 2010 at 5:00pm we were at Mincho (a resturant located at Pirnischer Platz). I had fried rice with meat, which was really good(untill I found some kind of vegtable I hated!). We walked out of the resturant, and walked to where the Zwinger was(Theaterplatz) and saw the Silvester Festival, but it's not one of those festivals that's free to enter, it costs 5 Euro to get in per person. We didn't go in the festival, we just looked threw the holes of the gate. After that we just walked to Albertplatz Tram Station To get on the tram #6 home. On the way there, we saw people lighting fireworks in the middle of the streets, saw fireworks in the sky, and people lighting fireworks right in front of the tram station! We did not light any fireworks. But it was just enough fun seeing the fireworks! We got on the 6 Nidersedlitz tram to the Schillergarten, they were having a dance party, even with one of those lights! It was even free! We went in and bought a p...